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Get Involved

Want to get involved with The Thriving Initiative? Check out the opportunities below!

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Join Our Email List 

Stay up-to-date on opportunities to get involved, including new programs, open positions, and ways to support our work. 

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Make a Donation

Make our work possible with a personally meaningful donation to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Every dollar is celebrated, appreciated, and put to good use!

Participate in a Workshop Series

Thriving, Not Just Surviving is a quarterly workshop series that fosters community amongst survivors and introduces participants to different healing modalities. Learn more and sign up here:

Start a New Chapter

Interested in bringing The Thriving Initiative to your campus? Fill out this short google form or email our Executive Director at

Volunteer as a Provider

The Thriving Initiative is always looking for providers to introduce our participants to new modalities of healing. If you are interested in volunteering as a provider, click the link below to connect with Emma, our Programs manager.

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